Recognize your addictive behaviors, and start to compassionately address the emotions that fuel them.
If you could revisit the beginning of your healing journey, what lessons or insights would you focus on?
Affirmation: Today I prioritize my well-being and distance myself from anything that drains my energy.
We need a society that rewards inner healing work, because it is the key to healing the world.
It's more than okay to feel your Feelings.
Making gratitude a daily habit will have a positive impact on my life.
True friendships, built on authenticity, trust, and support, are priceless and deserve your utmost appreciation.
Never lose hope. Life has a way of turning things around when you least expect it.
Wake up! Stop living on autopilot.
Don't try to be cool. Just be yourself.
Life offers lessons that books cannot teach.
Forget the stereotypes. A real man doesn't hide his emotions.
As individuals confront and dismantle their personal conditioning and limiting beliefs, they create a powerful ripple effect that empowers our societies to liberate themselves from oppressive dict
We all have dark days. Let's remind one another of the inner light that continues to glow within us.
Free yourself from inherited Self-Negativity.
You are not alone in this.
Understanding your Inner Child means understanding yourself.
Are you pushing yourself too hard?
The mere possibility that we might all be immortal souls should render all role stereotypes and inequalities absurd.
Life involves constant growth.
Intellectualizing your feelings is not the same as genuinely experiencing and processing them.
You are allowed to be  both a masterpiece and  a work in progress,  simultaneously.  (Sophia Bush)
TRAUMA FACTS: Trauma doesn't heal itself. Unprocessed trauma  is stored in your body and constantly affects  your life from there.
Swallowing our feelings always comes at a high price.