The further your healing progresses, the more you will be able to identify dysfunctional behavior as such and separate yourself from it.
Life is tough, my darling, but so are you. (Stephanie Bennett-Henry)
Make enough chill time a priority for your physical and mental health.
It's time to wake up to the truth of our interconnectedness.
Normal gets you nowhere.
Truth Bomb: The epitome of not taking responsibility is refusing to deal with the pain of your childhood and then unconsciously projecting your unprocessed pain onto other people. (Bethany Webster)
Trying to achieve the fake happiness presented on social media is the best recipe for unhappiness.
YOU, in your wholeness, with your recognized and integrated wounded parts, are the biggest healing for a fractured world.
Say it if you feel it. A few loving and appreciative words can change the world for someone.
At the bottom of your heart lies your deepest essence.
Your soul is tattooed onto this universe. So don’t you ever think that you don’t matter. (D. Antoinette Foy)
Maybe the universe is just trying to get you to surrender your negative habits and patterns and wave the white flag. Remember who you truly are.
Self-love means committing to things that uplift your life.
Be yourself & don't back down.
Nothing reveals more about you than the energy you radiate.
Having a regulated nervous system doesn’t imply always being calm. It means being able to adapt appropriately to different levels of activation and to regain balance after stressors.
Breathe deeply and sense your inner source of strength.
Happiness is remembering your magic.
You can't hide from the truth forever.
Why do our schools teach us so little about how to cope with life's challenges?
Give yourself the gift of gentleness.
You can't fool your Inner Child. Be radically honest.
Don't be ashamed of your healing process. True healing is messy - you are on the right track.
Just like the lotus, you can grow through darkness and strive towards the light.