Sometimes you see another person, on TV or in real life, radiating an unbelievable beauty, abundance, and happiness. Perhaps you think: “Oh, I wish I could be this person, how lovely life would be then. Being so beautiful, so rich, having such a wonderful family...”
And maybe you sense envy, which makes you feel bad about being yourself.
Think about this: what if an exchange with this person would be offered to you?
What if you could immediately be him or her: living this life, carrying this backpack, being this soul?
Really think about this.
Don't answer impulsively, but really sense into your own being.
I bet that your answer would be "NO" in the end.
No matter what your life circumstances are.
No matter how desperate, unhappy and hopeless you maybe feel at the moment.
You are YOU because you are meant to be YOU.
If you would have been meant to be this person, you would have been this person.
But you wanted to be YOU. You have just forgotten it.
This life is not a race for being the happiest, most beautiful, and rich person.
This life is about being and loving yourself.
With all that belongs to it.
You are needed exactly like you are, the unique expression of the oneness.
Sometimes thinking about exchanging with someone else can help you to find your way back to self-love and responsibility for your life.
Carry your own backpack with grace and dignity.
You are loved. No more and no less than any other person.
Be yourself.
(Verena, RWYA DAILY)