Never underestimate a cycle breaker.
Not only did they experience years
of generational trauma,
but they stood in the face of
the trauma and fought to say
"This ends with me."
This is brave.
This is powerful.
This comes at a significant cost.
Never underestimate a cycle breaker.
I don’t feel we talk enough about the costs of what it means to be a cycle breaker.
Certainly it is a brave act, but it’s often not a choice.
Many were born into such severe generational trauma, that being a cycle breaker was the only option for survival.
This comes at a significant cost.
These are people who see life from a different level, because they’ve had no choice but to sacrifice what normalcy would look like to many, all in order to heal their pain.
They have little tolerance for inauthenticity, they crave clear and in-depth communication, and they connect on in-depth levels because of what they’ve seen.
They often feel they don’t belong because they have life experience that could seem too heavy to others.
To the many cycle breakers out there, we are building a community that honors, respects, and educates.
We know what it’s cost you.
We never want to underestimate that, and want to thank you for being anchors in a community where our voices and stories are finally being told.
Damn proud of you.
You’re here. You did it.
(Nate Postlethwait)